Aura in Kumano

The construction of the new hair salon Aura has been started. It will be finished by the end of this year. We will update more images and info later.



Global 30 Architecture and Urbanism, the University of Tokyo

One of S.O.N member, So Sugita has been working at Global 30 Architecure and Urban Design Course at the University of Tokyo. This two years long master program is directed by Yusuke Obuchi, and the students from all over the world research about Computational Design and Algorithmic Architecture. As a Course Assiatant for the course, Sugita will be supporting the students to develop their projects, as well as some digital tutorials.


Global 30 Architecture and Urban Design


anonymous.d design contest

Our work has been shortlisted at the architectural competition in NY. Please give us as your LIKE!





Gathering featured on archdaily.com!



S.O.N Website Launch

We are pleased to announce launching of a new website for Source Organization Network! Please check out some of our recent projects at the site.  More projects will be updated in a month or so.


Source Organization Network HP


Paper Table - Kamijiya

Hiromitsu Konishi (miso) designed a display table for a paper store, and we worked together to develop a design and fabrication system for this "Papper Table".   The design of the table received last year's Kyoto Design Award.


Corporate project for creating display furniture with old established in 140 years “ SUZUKI SHOUFU DOU” where deal with Japanese paper in Kyoto. With their well knowledge for specialized in paper ,the theme of furniture is made up by only paper working both intoframework and design. Both of working on paper `s workability and levity, we derive one form as working in both framework and design by spending a couple month to study full scale honeycomb frameworks which covers weakness of paper.

This time of delivery shop located in “ OKAGE YOKO CHO” in Ise, the furniture `s texture and softness  are well harmonized into Japanese style space instead of modern shape. Also, in modern space, its sharpness and fitness are more out standing and it gives sophisticated sense of existence into space with its softly shadow.  it makes possible to realize holding and opening as Japanese fan and that point is biggest character of moving freely in easily. 

The new approarch of creating display furniture with character of paper working on both of frameworks and design 




Project Data
SIZE(TABLE) : φ900xH800,φ600xH200, φ300xH200
PERIOD: 03.15.201105.25.2011
DESIGN: miso
DESIGN SUPPORT: Source Organization Network

プロジェクト種別: 什器/照明 制作
サイズ(什器): φ900xH800,φ600xH200, φ300xH200
設計協力:Source Organization Network (杉田 宗)
制作協力:コニシ技研(小西 貢)


Game of Space - Hiroshima MOCA

昨年のSICF12に出展したGame of Spaceを広島の現代美術館で行われたゲンビどこでも企画展で展示させていただきました。

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Project Description

This installation was created using "Game of Life" cellular automaton devised by John Conway to represent the emergence of self-organizing systems. A cellular automaton is a discrete model that consists of a regular grid of cells and simple rules, studied in many fields including mathematics and science. We developed this system in 3d models and tested it across projects of various scales.

The pattern that is created by this system is a mix of order and chaos, which is similar to natural conditions. "Game of Space" expresses the complex phenomenon that is generated by simple rules, yet also creates  architectural forms such as slabs and arches. Since cellular automaton is a scale-less system, we believe the system can work in different design fields. Some different scaled figures are located inside this installation to visualize the world that is created by cellular automaton.

Game of Space was exhibited at SICF12 (Tokyo, 2011) and Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (Hiroshima, 2011).

この作品は単純なルールによって生成され、成長していくシステムをあらわしたインスタレーションである。生命の誕生や淘汰などの再現のために、数学者ジョン・ホートン・コンウェイが考案した「Game of Life」。 このシステムは格子状の組織がシンプルなルールのもとに変化する離散的計算モデルです。これを三次元に発展させ、空間を無限に生成するシステムによって生まれる形態をデザインの様々な場面で応用できないかと考えています。

この単純なルールによって生成されるパターンはカオスと秩序が共存する、より自然に近いものです。Game of Spaceでは、そこに生まれる豊かな複雑さと同時にアーチやスラブなどの建築的な形状を見ることができます。セル同士の関係性だけで成立するスケール定義のないシステムのため、サイズや規模に関係なくいろいろな使われ方ができると考えている。Game of Spaceではスケールの違う人物模型を配置しながら都市、建築、インテリアといった様々なスケールの世界を表現しました。

Game of SpaceSICF12 (東京 2011)と広島現代美術館で行われたゲンビどこでも企画展 (広島 2011)で展示されました。

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Project Data

Type of Project: Installation
Total Area: 2.97
Construction Period: 2011.04.25~2011.04.29
Exhibition Period: 2011.05.04~2011.05.05 (SICF12) & 2011.09.17~2011.10.10 (Hiroshima MOCA)
Design: Source Organization Network

So Sugita (Saburo Sugita Architects) + Hiromitsu Konishi (miso)
Photo: Kenichi Asano


Block: Styrene form(100mm x 100mm x 50mm)

用途: インスタレーション
床面積: 2.97
工期: 2011425日~2011429
展示: 201154日~201155日(SICF12) + 2011年9月17日~20111010日(広島現代美術館)
設計: Source Organization Network
杉田 宗 (杉田三郎建築設計事務所) + 小西 啓睦 (miso
撮影: 浅野 堅一

モジュールブロック:発泡スチロール(100mm x 100mm x 50mm)


Sparkling Soul - Kobe Biennale 2011



Photo by Kenichi Asano

Project Description - Sparkling Soul

Selected as one of 20 winners in the International Shitsurai Art Competition, "Sparkling Soul" was built in the fall of 2011 at the Po-ai Shiosai Park in the Port of Kobe as part of the Kobe Biennale. The theme of the Kobe Beinnale 2011 is “Kira,” which translates to sparkle or radiance; however, Kira is not limited to the tangible – it expands to the essence of shine. Like a school of fish captures flashes of sunlight through the sea water, this sculpture captures the Kira of Kobe, welcoming its patrons to the port and to the city. By filtering natural light and reflecting captured image through the swirl of reflective sticks, the installation draws out the sparkle of one’s soul and invites a participatory experience with the surrounding site. 

The non-linear system used to create the design mimics the highly mathematical phenomena of nature. The angle and flow of the sticks creates a variation of porosity and a randomness through which light and image are manipulated, creating a dynamic space and capturing the most brilliant essence there is – the soul of the site and its people. As people pass by the many pieces of mirrored surface, their image and movement is reflected back to them in a new, fragmented way. The viewer now has a direct interaction with the structure. The installation is also interactive with the environment of the port of Kobe - capturing the essence of the sun and the ocean, the people and the place. as the hues of the day change from pink and blue at dawn to red and orange at dusk, so does the hue of the structure. As the moon comes out to play, it will dance across the school of sticks just as it sparkles across the surface of the surrounding ocean.

「スパークリングソウル」は神戸ビエンナーレ2011のしつらいアート国際コンペの為にしおさいパーク内に製作されたインスタレーション作品である。ビエンナーレのテーマである「きら kira」をイメージし、海中で日光の輝きを閉じ込める魚の群れの様に、自然光や周りの輝きを閉じ込める空間をつくった。人々の心を引き寄せ、街や鑑賞者を迎え入れる参加型の作品である。



Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Kenichi Asano

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Photo by Yuna Yagi

Digital Model


Pre-cut Plywood Frame



Project Data
Type of Project: Pavilion
Total Area : 7.31
Construction Period : 2011.08~2011.09.27
Exhibition Period : 2011.10.01~2011.11.23
Design : Gathering
              Ginna Nguyen
              So Sugita (Saburo Sugita Architects)
              Dale Suttle
Supporting Company : Yamane Mokuzai
Collaborator : Hiromitsu Konishi (miso),
               Saburo Sugita Architects

Frame : Mirror Film / Pre-cut Plywood (t = 26mm)
Sticks : Plastic Strow (dia = 10mm)

用途: パビリオン
床面積: 7.31
                   Ginna Nguyen
                   杉田 宗 (杉田三郎建築設計事務所)
                   Dale Suttle
製作協力:小西 啓睦 (miso)杉田三郎建築設計事務所

フレーム:ミラーフィルム/プレカット合板 (t = 26mm)
ステック:プラスチックストロー (dia = 10mm)